
We are what we think!

Whatever happens in the body affects our mind, and whatever happens in the mind affects our body. By becoming aware of our thinking and the effect it has on our body and our moods, we can then make the necessary changes to situations that cause us anxiety, stress or pain, and, thereby greatly improve our potential for happiness, and a positive future. The tools I use help you to achieve well-being mentally and emotionally and give you resources which you can use for the rest of your life. I use a variety of techniques to help you to achieve change and these include Hypnotherapy, NLP, Imagery, Visualisation. The process is fun and collaborative and the results are exciting and immensely rewarding.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The first session usually requires 90 minutes and thereafter usually 60 minutes

  • Every person is unique with his or her own history, so a hypnotherapy programme needs to be structured according to your needs. A free consult to discuss your concerns will enable Kate to assess how many sessions will be required.

  • Yes, in fact we hypnotise ourselves several times a day, e.g. after driving home from work many people find it difficult to remember passing through the traffic lights or roundabout, that is a trance state. So too is day-dreaming or being engrossed in a great book and being unaware of the dog barking outside or children playing noisily. Some people, however, do not allow themselves to relax or fully engage and then an effective trance state can be difficult to achieve. I do not work with people who are under the influence of alcohol or mind-altering drugs.

  • You will remain in control throughout the session, you can come out of trance whenever you choose, you determine how deeply you relax, and you determine the success of a session. A thorough talk about your expectations and concerns at the beginning of a session can help put your mind at ease.

  • This is a very common question and a reflection of the fears that people have around Hypnotherapy. They generally mean “under” to be in a coma state during which there is no awareness of our natural being state. This certainly does not happen and you are always in control just as you would be when relaxing on your couch at home.

  • During a session the client is guided by the therapist into a deep state of relaxation similar to that experienced just before you drop off to sleep, or during a great massage, a lovely calm state when you can answer questions if necessary or just enjoy the relaxation.

  • Hypnosis creates a state of deep relaxation and a concentrated focus of attention and when this occurs there is little resistance to change and the sub-conscious mind, where the change happens, then accepts new ideas for positive change.

  • Often it is very exciting to experience instant change, however, sometimes the mind takes a while to change especially if there has been deeply ingrained habits and beliefs driving the problem, e.g. some people will instantly lose weight after the first session and others may find weeks elapse before a shift occurs. Like a muscle in the body which takes time to grow from exercise so too does the mind take time to integrate new habits and beliefs.

  • This is a very common question spoken with serious concern. The answer is NO, I have no desire to do that and it would serve no purpose. Unfortunately, stage hypnosis which is done for entertainment is often confused with the hypnosis done with therapeutic intent and the seeming “loss of control” becomes a big concern. Please know that no one can be forcibly hypnotised against their will, instead you would find that you are able to ignore any suggestions that seemed inappropriate and you are able to bring yourself out of trance.