Smoking Cessation
Quit Smoking - Become Smoke Free

Have you tried to quite smoking or vaping with little or no success?

Would you like to be Smoke or Vape free in one easy session, without the risk of side effects, weight gain or cravings?

Book a free Quit Smoking Discovery session today and find out how you can be smoke or vape free!

Quitting smoking or vaping will enable you to:

  • Break free from the control of these habits

  • Have increased vitality and wellbeing

  • Have a sense of achievement

  • Add years onto your life span

  • Reduce your risk of cancer, lung and heart disease

  • Have more money

  • Smell better

  • Have an improved taste and smell

It can seem so hard to do…

Perhaps you’ve tried with cold turkey, or patches, or gum, even medication and the desired result just doesn’t happen, or if it does that old habit creeps back.

Smoking or vaping is one of the most powerful habits that we have and is regarded as one of the hardest to break. But that is because the methods above, which are usually used to try to quit, do not address the powerful pull of the mind and mostly fail. The smoking/vaping habit is deeply ingrained in your mind and often not under your conscious control.

The secret to quitting all comes down to addressing your very own reasons for creating the need for cigarettes or vaping and eliminating these on a subconscious level.

  • Thank you, Kate, for your wonderful service.

    I had been a smoker for 50 years, and tried many different ways to stop. I instantly became a nonsmoker after our hypnotherapy session. It's been four weeks now and I have already saved $300, so the cost to do this with you is nothing compared to what I am now saving. Just like you said, I have had no cravings, it’s been more like a gentle thought that comes over me, I would then use the tools you gave me and they would instantly disappear.
    I feel great, my recovery has been so fast that it has amazed my family. I do not struggle with my breathing in the mornings, and not once have I needed to reach out for my asthma pump. That nagging cough I told you about, it's as good as gone.
    Thank you lovely, you're a gem.

    -Huia Stone

  • Kate, you’re a star. You’ve changed the path of my life for the better .

    I’m no longer living with the burden of thinking I’m dying of “popcorn lungs” from vaping, no longer hiding a dirty little secret, I’m free from it all and I have you to thank.


  • Kate helped change and save my life!

    She helped me quit smoking through hypnosis, I have tried many times and failed but this time is much different, I feel like I've never smoked in my life, don't crave them or think about them, even when stressed. I've been free of ciggies seven and a half years now. I highly recommend Kate for professional, compassionate and confidential service.

    -Anita Cat

  • Just one session with Kate and I am now 7 days smoke free!

    With no prolonged cravings and sleeping better than ever! Thanks Kate, really appreciate it!

    Update 1 month later:  Still going strong Kate! Little pangs every now n then, but they don't linger!  Feeling a lot more confident in the belief that I am a non smoker!


  • There has been no draw, no pull back to vaping since working with Kate.

    As a 50 year old, fit, healthy woman, I found myself somewhat addicted to vaping!!!  So I sought the expertise of Kate, and HONESTLY the best $$$ spent ever. I had been vaping at this point for just over a year.  I don’t live in Taupo and we were able to do the session via the computer, which was great for me. I still had 4 vaping devices in the house, and about 6 brand new unused pods lying around. I kept them there as a test to see if the draw was still there to vape. And there has been no draw, no pull back to vaping since. NONE.  Best of all I know in my heart of hearts I WILL NEVER VAPE AGAIN. EVER.


  • With Kate’s help I got there!

    I tried lots of different ways to give up, they worked for a while then I found myself back to sucking on the cigs again. It was always around smoking with my mates and I found it difficult to say ‘no’. With Kate’s help I got there and now it’s really easy to say ‘NO”, I don’t ever want to do it again. Thanks Kate.   


The results:

  • A non-smoker for life!

  • Zero weight gain

  • Zero cravings

  • Instantly more money in your pocket/bank account

Hypnosis can achieve this easily and effectively through a process of accessing the deeper part of your mind where your habits are stored. Together with conscious awareness around the myths to do with smoking and vaping, deep relaxation and suggestions, hypnotherapy helps you to eliminate the need to smoke and breaks the associations between your habits freeing you from the tyranny of addiction.

This can happen easily, regardless of how many times you have tried to quit, or how many years you have been smoking, or the reasons why. Hypnosis has been used to help people quit smoking for over 35 years and is the most effective method available. The University of Washington shows a 90.6% success rate (source) for smoking cessation using hypnosis.

This just might be the easiest thing you have ever done!

Don’t believe me?

Book a free discovery session today to find out more.

You can be Smoke Free in one easy session, without the risk of side effects, weight gain or cravings. Contact me today to find out more.

